dinsdag 17 november 2009

What do cross-cultural differences mean?

When you hear ‘cross-cultural differences’, you kind of know what they're talking about. But do you really?
To solve the issue of cultural differences we need to go back to the original definition.
Culture is defined as a pattern of thinking and potential acting. Learning how to think and act is thought by the people around you, and personal life experiences. Your culture makes you who you are and how you think. People of the same country even have cultural differences.
We know that cross-cultural differences play a significant role in business relations where it is all about reading the other person.
But it is not only in business relations that people bump into these problems. The Australian Flexible Learning Frameworks shows that cultural differences also influence the effectiveness of learning. When teachers look over cultural differences in front of students with different cultures, then these might question the teachers knowledge or feel left out.
To prevent this, they have written an article to tell more about the different aspects, consequences and preventions, get the reader motivated and interested to reduce the secrets of cultural differences. By reading this article, you can prevent quite some misunderstandings! Do you want to contribute? Read the article, just by clicking on the following link.

Febe De Lille

Read the article here

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